Thursday, May 13, 2010

Facebook and Heartbook

FB relationship status is a Milestone! It's one of the things - in a checklist of all other things - that makes one say 'hey, we're a couple'.

I tried to change my relationship status to "In a Relationship with (ME)" and facebook allowed it and a relationship request was sent to whoelse but ME! I approved it twice, waiting for my profile page to change to In a Relationship with Est Vanguardia, but alas nothing changed I was only listed as in a relationship and the relationship request kept on popping and remained pending...It may be just some quirk in the facebook codes that allow you in the first place to add yourself to 'in a relationship to yourself' or maybe facebook just didn't realize someone would actually send a request to his/herself. Nonetheless, I did but alas I COULDN'T.

After the third attempt, I still couldn' vent out the frustration I have somehow to pretend like some introvert waxing poetic about something as mundane as this.

Hence, realization number 1: You can't be in a relationship with yourself. Straightforward eh?! Unfortunately, not beyond the virtual life. Everyone, even the most introvert one, is a social being...As a social being, we crave intimacy - in all its most tender and passionate manifestations - and even with vibrators and other sex toys the realization is one can't be intimate with oneself.

Realization number 2: Loving Yourself is the Greatest Love of All. This is true, but no matter how you love yourself, if you cannot channel this and give back to others, there may come a point when you'll start thinking you can't love yourself more. Indeed, you can max out your card, shop till you drop, be present in every sample sale but really material things will just pile up and in the end - as opponent process theory predicts - you'll just start wanting more and repeating the cycle over and over again.

Realization number 3: It's just facebook. Don't let it get to you... :)

Here's a video of a couple updating their facebook status during their wedding. I wonder if with foursquare, the instance of the groom/bride finding out if he will be jilted in the altar will be substantially lessened.

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