Friday, May 14, 2010

A Dream is A Wish Your Heart Makes

A dream is a wish your heart makes, this is according to a popular song sung by Cinderella. Obviously, I am no Cinderella and my dreams are not what my heart makes; it is simply a product of random firing of my synapses which, in the end, makes for a rather entertaining and unbelievable plot.

I have been told by a few people that my dreams are often so detailed and elaborate it can make be made into one - sloppy, disorganized and at the very best a B - movie.

Insomnia hit again last night, and I ended up sleeping late and waking up too close to REM, hence remembering my dream in vivid detail.

In my dream I was in some University which looks like UP but doesn't seem exactly so and I was with a friend I haven't seen nor talked to in ages. In my dream, we went out for coffee and while talking about his leather jacket, he suddenly remembered he had a concert that he had to go to -- it was NSYNC's reunion concert. He asked me if I wanted to go and said we can still get tickets. A ticket for upper box A cost a whoppingly cheap 2500 pesos! So it is exceedingly cheap and of course I giddily wanted to watch. So, off we went to the ticket counter. When I was about to pay, I filched two 500 peso bill, 1 200 peso bill and a bunch of EUROS...WTF?! The comedy doesn't end there, not only do I not have enough pesos in my wallet but has enough Euros but my friend, volunteering to help me, said: 'Do you accept bank notes instead?' Okay, so maybe I had too much residual knowledge from my Negotiable Instruments class but seriously I think they stopped accepting bank notes ever since Central Banking has evolved. Unfazed by our lack of pesos, a friend said wait he has some friends coming who will be watching the concert too and for us to wait for them. So we waited, after an hour or so they arrived: A bunch of early 40s Indians straight from the airport still carrying their luggage. So okay, third option of paying FAIL.

And I woke up.

So I didn't see Justin Timberlake do his 'Bye, Bye, Bye' dance (which we danced in High School!haha). But thankfully, I woke up never to be haunted again by Bank notes.

Good Morning Sunshine and Bye bye bye. Mind you, I think this will be in my running playlist tonight...I just hope I don't end up dancing instead of running.

Enjoy watching. :)

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