Sunday, September 12, 2010

People's Palace Prawn Pomelo Salad

I got into the People's Palace cult the first time I had a bite of their prawn pomelo salad...more than five years ago.  Countless prawn pomelo salads and finally one photo after, I am ready to blog about it.

Prawn + Pomelo + Chicken + Cilantro + toasted peanuts + Coconut Milk + people's palace's miracle dressing equals the perfect example of the gestalt principle applied to food -- where the whole (concoction) is better than the sum of its parts.
prawn pomelo salad
The second our order of prawn pomelo salad lands on the table, my excitement level immediately goes up.  The anticipation of biting into the succulent sweet davao pomelo chunks which got a little drizzling of that magical people's palace dressing.  A bite of pomelo, and you realize it couldn't get better then you get a stray toasted peanut right with a piece of sautéed chicken and you think this is a good day.  The second bite was met with as much anticipation as the first, but just when you though it is a really good day your fork encounters one of the two (or three if you're lucky) prawns and you realize what could possibly wrong.  You eat it with cilantro for that burst of herb taste and you arrive at a state of mind called nirvana.
a fiery painting that was the sky of 9/12
Just when we were about to finish our food, we looked up and saw the fierce fiery painting that was the sky.  Fantastic! This is Sunday.

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